Park Rules
- CANCELLATION POLICY: If you chose to cancel your reservation, we must receive an emailed request 15-days prior to your scheduled arrival date. A raincheck will be issued as your refund in the amount of your deposit minus a $10 cancellation/processing fee. Rainchecks are good for 12-months from the original reservation arrival date and are nontransferable and not valid over holiday weekends. Once a raincheck is applied, any cancellation or date modification of that raincheck will result in total forfeiture of the raincheck. Any cancellation within 15-days of your arrival date will result in a total forfeiture of your deposit. All reservations must be honored regardless of inclement weather or air quality index. Frandy Park Campground does not, under any circumstance, issue monetary refunds. You will have chosen to forfeit your payment under any OF THE FOLLOWING SITUATIONS: choose not to fulfill your agreement (read/sign/return Park Policy); are asked to leave; do not give proper 15-day cancellation notification; and/or fail to show up. Your deposit will hold your site for one night’s stay only – if you have not arrived by noon of the following day from your scheduled arrival date or made arrangements with Frandy, your campsite(s) will be released and resold. Once your reservation is finalized, you are financially responsible for the entire booking – any decrease in the number of days reserved and/or early departure will result in a forfeiture of prepaid nights.
- CABLE TV IS NOT OFFERED. WIFI service is no longer available. If urgent, such as zoom meetings for work, come to our registration office for assistance.
- SITE RATES are based on 6 persons (children under 5 years of age are free) and an 8-person maximum occupancy. Deluxe site rates are based on a 12-person occupancy (children under 5 years of age are free) with a 16-person maximum occupancy.
- CAMPSITES: One fire ring, and one picnic table is allowed per site. Please do NOT place personal BBQs and/or fire pits directly on Park picnic tables. If you chose to move your Park provided picnic table, we require you to return them to their original position prior to checkout. All campsites are specifically marked. Please do not encroach on your neighbor’s space, campground roads, and/or common areas. The following are prohibited: outdoor refrigerators, outdoor air conditioning units, outdoor swamp coolers, electrical cords extending outside your assigned site perimeter, pop up toilets, pop up/outdoor showers, and kiddie pools. In order to keep the community safe, our local energy company (Southern California Edison) may need to turn off power during extreme weather or wildfire conditions. This is called a Public Safety Power Shutoff (PSPS). Power will remain out for as long as extreme and dangerous weather conditions pose a potential fire risk. In the event a PSPS is enacted, Frandy will not be held financially responsible to refund customer either in part or in total for any loss of utility and/or inconvenience.
- NAMES of all guests, adults, and children, camping on or visiting your site, must be provided to the campground. By entering into a reservation agreement and/or arrival at Frandy Park Campground, you acknowledge the responsibility to obtain, review and agree to the terms of the Park Policy (Frandy Campground Rules) and any addendum. Our Park Policy is available in print at Frandy’s office and online at Policy is subject to change depending on health and safety guidelines.
- CHECK-IN: Check-in time is between 2pm and 10pm for campsites unless other arrangements have been made with the Front Desk. *NO ARRIVALS AFTER 10:00P.M.* If you arrive prior to 2pm and your site is available, you will be subject to an early arrival fee of $10. If site is not available for early check-in, you will need to park off property until site becomes available. Reserved sites will be held until 12pm the day following your arrival date. If you have not checked in before this time, you are considered a “no show”. Your site will then be released back to Frandy Campground- thereby forfeiting both your deposit and site. The campsite leader will be required to sign our Campground Site Agreement upon arrival. As a courtesy, the Campground Site Agreement is emailed upon a reservation being confirmed.
- CHECK-OUT: Check-out time is 12pm for all campsites. Depending on reservations for incoming guests, you may be able to pre-arrange a late check-out with the Front Desk. If you have not made late check-out arrangements and do not vacate by the check-out time, you will be charged the equivalent of an additional night’s rate per campsite reserved. If your failure to vacate your site interferes with the check-in of another guest, you will be charged the additional night rate(s) in addition to a $100 penalty fee. Early check-out will result in the site(s) being released back to Frandy Campground thereby forfeiting both payment and site.
- PAYMENT: A deposit equal to the first night’s stay on each site reserved is required at time of booking. The balance (remainder due) for your reservation is due at the time of check-in from the leader (the listed) main party of the reservation. It is the responsibility of the group leader listed on our main reservation to collect funds prior to arrival from all parties. Frandy Campground is not responsible for breaking down the reservation into individual balance due amounts. Should parties wish to do individual breakdowns at our gate, all parties will be required to wait outside our gates until the leader listed on the reservation arrives and delivers full balance due to the office.
- MINIMUM STAY REQUIREMENTS: Frandy Park Campground has a three (3) night minimum stay requirement on all holiday weekends (including but not limited to Whiskey Flat Days, Memorial Day, 4th of July, Labor Day, and Thanksgiving). There is a two (2) night minimum stay during peak season (May thru September). Peak season is subject to change.
- MAXIMUM STAY LIMITS: Due to our HUD permit, maximum allowed stay is 14 days.
- EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS PLAN: We are required by the State of California to make an Emergency Preparedness Plan available to our camper upon request. Copies of the entire plan are available to our campers (upon request). If you would like a copy, please inquire at the office.
- QUIET HOURS: Between the hours of 10:00PM until 6:00AM, NO music, loud conversations, overly bright lighting, generators and/or any other activity/behavior that may disturb other guests is allowed. Please do not expose your neighbors to excessive or offensive noise at any time. Music with profanity and/or explicit lyrics is NEVER allowed.
- ALCOHOL/SMOKING: The smoking of cigarettes, e-cigarettes, cigars, vapes, etc. is NOT PERMITTED in any public area (such as the game area); in any building; or within 25’ of a building entry/exit door. All cigarette butts must be extinguished and discarded of in trash receptacles; trash bags; or cigarette butt receptacles. Open alcoholic beverages are not allowed at the Front Office. Excessive use of alcoholic beverages is prohibited. Consumption of alcohol by those under age 21 is prohibited. California laws, including those prohibiting open alcohol containers and driving under the influence apply to all operators of ALL motorized vehicles within the Park. Cannabis (marijuana) smoking is only allowed inside your residence at your campsite (i.e., your tent, motorhome, trailer). Cannabis (marijuana) smoking is prohibited in public view on your campsite and in any common area.
- SECURITY/OCCUPANCY: To promote security within the Park, all guests and visitors are required to wear wristbands and to display car passes issued by our Front Office. Wristbands are issued at the time of registration and must be worn on your wrist throughout your entire stay. If registered guest(s) isn’t wearing a wristband(s), he/she will be escorted to the office to replace wristband (applicable fees charged). Continued refusal to wear wristbands may result in removal from the park. Unregistered guests and/or visitors will either be charged double the daily rate/person/day OR you will be asked to leave the park without refund. *This decision is determined by Park Management. No one may sleep inside vehicles parked at site or in overflow parking. No soliciting is allowed in the Park. If you observe inappropriate use of campground facilities, please report this behavior to the Front Office, Security or Maintenance personnel immediately or call the emergency number posted on the office door. Any person not wearing a wristband is subject to removal from the campground. While Frandy staff does its best making the Campground secure, Frandy is not responsible for cars or personal property lost or stolen or for damages, injury and/or illness to person(s) car(s) or personal property on premises.
- CHILDREN: Children should have adult supervision at all times, especially at the river, beach, game, and restroom facilities. Parents are fully liable and responsible for the acts and conduct of their children. The Park has a 10pm curfew for anyone less than 18-years of age. After 10pm persons under 18-years of age must return to their site unless accompanied by their parents.
- VISITORS: Any person not camping is considered a visitor. Your visitors are included in your total guest count and is subject to the maximum’s applied to your campsite(s). Visitors may NOT bring golf carts, ATVs, scooters, etc. on property. All guests entertaining visitors at the Park shall be responsible for their conduct while on the Park premises and shall be responsible for damages or incidents incurred by the visitors. The 5mph speed limit and other policies in Frandy’s Park Policy apply to visitors.
- VEHICLES: The speed limit within the Park is 5mph. All operators of motorized vehicles must be at least 16-years of age and possess a valid driver’s license. Drivers 18-years or younger can be asked to provide the front desk with a copy of their driver’s license. All motor vehicles must be in good operating condition and carry liability insurance. Any golf carts, ATV or scooters must have proof of liability insurance. U-hauls, storage trailers, flat bed trailers, boats, jet skis, and/or any other recreational type of unit must be parked in overflow parking and pay the applicable fees.
- PARKING: Each booking includes two (2) vehicles in the base price. A vehicle includes trailers and RV’s. Vehicles must be registered at the Front Office and is issued a car pass that must be displayed on rearview mirror or on the passenger side dash facing outward at all times. Only two (2) vehicles may be parked on your site. If you are unable to fit your vehicle on your campsite or want additional room on your campsite, you can park in one of the overflow parking areas. All guest and visitor vehicles must be registered at the Front Office. Unregistered vehicles will either be charged double the daily rate/vehicle/day OR you will be asked to leave the park without refund. *This decision is determined by Park Management. Unregistered and/or vehicles parked in unauthorized areas are subject to towing and/or impound at the owner’s expense. ALL vehicles require a car pass issued by the Front Office. Do not park in front of or in any empty campsite as this will result in you being charged the equivalent of that site’s day rate. If your failure to move the vehicle timely interferes with the check-in of another guest at that site, you will be charged the additional day rate and a $100 penalty fee.
- FIREARMS/FIREWORKS/FIRES: No firearms, projectile guns, slingshots, air guns, BB guns, crossbows, bow and arrows and/or water balloons of any kind are NEVER permitted on Park property. ALL TYPES OF FIREWORKS ARE EXPRESSLY PROHIBITED. Campfires must be fully contained within your fire ring – whether it is a provided ring, a portable ring, or a ring of rocks. Flames cannot be higher than 3’ and must NEVER be left unattended. Burn privileges can be revoked at any time.
- VEGETATION AND WILDLIFE: Vegetation, bushes, and trees may not be pruned, cut, or removed. Feeding of the wildlife including but not limited to raccoons, deer, ducks, etc., is strictly prohibited.
- PET POLICY: You may have up to three (3) pets per campsite. Pit Bulls, American Staffordshire Terriers, and mixes thereof and any dog exhibiting aggressive behavior are not permitted in the Park. Your pet must be on a short leash (6’ or less) at all times including when at the beach or river. Pets are not permitted inside the bathroom facility. Solid waste must be picked up and disposed of immediately. We do understand that accidents may happen in other areas, and if so, the waste must be picked up immediately. Please keep pets off your neighbor’s sites. Your pets should not be left outside and/or unattended at any time. Barking must be controlled to avoid disturbing others at all times. Please keep your pet inside your RV after 10pm. Frandy welcomes service animals at no additional charge. Service animals are working animals trained to perform tasks for the benefit of individuals with physical or mental disabilities – such as guiding people who are blind, alerting people who are deaf, alerting and protecting people prone to seizures or other tasks directly related to a disability. Dogs whose sole function is to provide comfort or emotional support do not qualify as service animals under the Americans with Disabilities Act.
- BEACH GUIDELINES: DISCLAIMER – The Kern River can be a swift and dangerous river. We DO NOT have a lifeguard on duty. Beach is closed between 9pm and 6am (Exception licensed fishermen.) Swim and play in the river at your own risk. Please make sure to take all safety precautions necessary. Children and novice swimmers must be supervised AT ALL TIMES! Fires and BBQs are NOT permitted on the beach at any time. EZ UPS: Each campsite is allowed one (1) EZ UP on the beach depending upon availability. EZ UPs must come down every evening and during windy conditions. Glass of any kind is NOT permitted on the beach. All cigarette butts must be extinguished and discarded in trash receptacles. Please do no expose your neighbors to excessive or offensive noise at any time. Music with profanity and/or explicit lyrics is strictly prohibited.
- RV AND OTHER VEHICLE WASHING is strictly prohibited on Park grounds.
- RV REQUIREMENTS: All RVs must be RVIA approved, self-contained, clean, well-maintained, insured and current on license. All black and grey water MUST BE disposed of at the Park’s dump station. The use of a water pressure regulator is highly recommended.